以太坊源码分析 共识引擎
- 区块验证类:以Verify开头,当收到新区块时,需要先验证区块的有效性
- 区块盖章类:包括Prepare/Finalize/Seal等,用于最终生成有效区块(比如添加工作量证明)
- Clique:基于POA(Proof Of Authority)算法,用于测试网络
- Ethash:基于POW(Proof Of Work)算法,用于正式主网
1. 区块验证流程
- 验证区块头:调用Ethash.VerifyHeaders()
- 验证区块内容:调用BlockValidator.VerifyBody()(内部还会调用Ethash.VerifyUncles())
- 执行区块交易:调用BlockProcessor.Process()(基于其父块的世界状态)
- 验证状态转换:调用BlockValidator.ValidateState()
2. 区块盖章流程
- 准备工作:调用Ethash.Prepare()计算难度值
- 生成区块:调用Ethash.Finalize()打包新区块
- 盖章:调用Ethash.Seal()进行POW计算,填充nonce值
3. Ethash实现分析
3.1 Ethash.VerifyHeaders()
// Spawn as many workers as allowed threads workers := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0) if len(headers) < workers { workers = len(headers) }
var ( inputs = make(chan int) done = make(chan int, workers) errors = make([]error, len(headers)) abort = make(chan struct{}) ) for i := 0; i < workers; i++ { go func() { for index := range inputs { errors[index] = ethash.verifyHeaderWorker(chain, headers, seals, index) done <- index } }() }
errorsOut := make(chan error, len(headers)) go func() { defer close(inputs) var ( in, out = 0, 0 checked = make([]bool, len(headers)) inputs = inputs ) for { select { case inputs <- in: if in++; in == len(headers) { // Reached end of headers. Stop sending to workers. inputs = nil } case index := <-done: for checked[index] = true; checked[out]; out++ { errorsOut <- errors[out] if out == len(headers)-1 { return } } case <-abort: return } } }() return abort, errorsOut
func (ethash *Ethash) verifyHeaderWorker(chain consensus.ChainReader, headers []*types.Header, seals []bool, index int) error { var parent *types.Header if index == 0 { parent = chain.GetHeader(headers[0].ParentHash, headers[0].Number.Uint64()-1) } else if headers[index-1].Hash() == headers[index].ParentHash { parent = headers[index-1] } if parent == nil { return consensus.ErrUnknownAncestor } if chain.GetHeader(headers[index].Hash(), headers[index].Number.Uint64()) != nil { return nil // known block } return ethash.verifyHeader(chain, headers[index], parent, false, seals[index]) }
- 时间戳超前当前时间不得大于15s
- 时间戳必须大于父块时间戳
- 通过父块计算出的难度值必须和区块头难度值相同
- 消耗的gas必须小于gas limit
- 当前gas limit和父块gas limit的差值必须在规定范围内
- 区块高度必须是父块高度+1
- 调用ethash.VerifySeal()检查工作量证明
- 验证硬分叉相关的数据
3.2 Ethash.VerifyUncles()
if len(block.Uncles()) > maxUncles { return errTooManyUncles }
uncles, ancestors := set.New(), make(map[common.Hash]*types.Header) number, parent := block.NumberU64()-1, block.ParentHash() for i := 0; i < 7; i++ { ancestor := chain.GetBlock(parent, number) if ancestor == nil { break } ancestors[ancestor.Hash()] = ancestor.Header() for _, uncle := range ancestor.Uncles() { uncles.Add(uncle.Hash()) } parent, number = ancestor.ParentHash(), number-1 } ancestors[block.Hash()] = block.Header() uncles.Add(block.Hash())
for _, uncle := range block.Uncles() { // Make sure every uncle is rewarded only once hash := uncle.Hash() if uncles.Has(hash) { return errDuplicateUncle } uncles.Add(hash) // Make sure the uncle has a valid ancestry if ancestors[hash] != nil { return errUncleIsAncestor } if ancestors[uncle.ParentHash] == nil || uncle.ParentHash == block.ParentHash() { return errDanglingUncle } if err := ethash.verifyHeader(chain, uncle, ancestors[uncle.ParentHash], true, true); err != nil { return err } }
- 如果祖先块中已经包含过了该叔块,返回错误
- 如果发现该叔块其实是一个祖先块(即在主链上),返回错误
- 如果叔块的父块不在这7层祖先中,返回错误
- 如果叔块和当前块拥有共同的父块,返回错误(也就是说不能打包和当前块相同高度的叔块)
- 最后验证一下叔块头的有效性
3.3 BlockValidator.ValidateBody()
func (v *BlockValidator) ValidateBody(block *types.Block) error { // Check whether the block's known, and if not, that it's linkable if v.bc.HasBlockAndState(block.Hash(), block.NumberU64()) { return ErrKnownBlock } if !v.bc.HasBlockAndState(block.ParentHash(), block.NumberU64()-1) { if !v.bc.HasBlock(block.ParentHash(), block.NumberU64()-1) { return consensus.ErrUnknownAncestor } return consensus.ErrPrunedAncestor } // Header validity is known at this point, check the uncles and transactions header := block.Header() if err := v.engine.VerifyUncles(v.bc, block); err != nil { return err } if hash := types.CalcUncleHash(block.Uncles()); hash != header.UncleHash { return fmt.Errorf("uncle root hash mismatch: have %x, want %x", hash, header.UncleHash) } if hash := types.DeriveSha(block.Transactions()); hash != header.TxHash { return fmt.Errorf("transaction root hash mismatch: have %x, want %x", hash, header.TxHash) } return nil }
3.4 BlockProcessor.Process()
func (p *StateProcessor) Process(block *types.Block, statedb *state.StateDB, cfg vm.Config) (types.Receipts, []*types.Log, uint64, error) { var ( receipts types.Receipts usedGas = new(uint64) header = block.Header() allLogs []*types.Log gp = new(GasPool).AddGas(block.GasLimit()) ) // Mutate the the block and state according to any hard-fork specs if p.config.DAOForkSupport && p.config.DAOForkBlock != nil && p.config.DAOForkBlock.Cmp(block.Number()) == 0 { misc.ApplyDAOHardFork(statedb) } // Iterate over and process the individual transactions for i, tx := range block.Transactions() { statedb.Prepare(tx.Hash(), block.Hash(), i) receipt, _, err := ApplyTransaction(p.config, p.bc, nil, gp, statedb, header, tx, usedGas, cfg) if err != nil { return nil, nil, 0, err } receipts = append(receipts, receipt) allLogs = append(allLogs, receipt.Logs...) } // Finalize the block, applying any consensus engine specific extras (e.g. block rewards) p.engine.Finalize(p.bc, header, statedb, block.Transactions(), block.Uncles(), receipts) return receipts, allLogs, *usedGas, nil }
3.5 BlockValidator.ValidateState()
func (v *BlockValidator) ValidateState(block, parent *types.Block, statedb *state.StateDB, receipts types.Receipts, usedGas uint64) error { header := block.Header() if block.GasUsed() != usedGas { return fmt.Errorf("invalid gas used (remote: %d local: %d)", block.GasUsed(), usedGas) } // Validate the received block's bloom with the one derived from the generated receipts. // For valid blocks this should always validate to true. rbloom := types.CreateBloom(receipts) if rbloom != header.Bloom { return fmt.Errorf("invalid bloom (remote: %x local: %x)", header.Bloom, rbloom) } // Tre receipt Trie's root (R = (Tr [[H1, R1], ... [Hn, R1]])) receiptSha := types.DeriveSha(receipts) if receiptSha != header.ReceiptHash { return fmt.Errorf("invalid receipt root hash (remote: %x local: %x)", header.ReceiptHash, receiptSha) } // Validate the state root against the received state root and throw // an error if they don't match. if root := statedb.IntermediateRoot(v.config.IsEIP158(header.Number)); header.Root != root { return fmt.Errorf("invalid merkle root (remote: %x local: %x)", header.Root, root) } return nil }
- 判断刚刚执行交易消耗的gas值是否和区块头中的值相同
- 根据刚刚执行交易获得的交易回执创建Bloom过滤器,判断是否和区块头中的Bloom过滤器相同(Bloom过滤器是一个2048位的字节数组)
- 判断交易回执的hash值是否和区块头中的值相同
- 计算StateDB中的MPT的Merkle Root,判断是否和区块头中的值相同
3.6 Ethash.Prepare()
func (ethash *Ethash) Prepare(chain consensus.ChainReader, header *types.Header) error { parent := chain.GetHeader(header.ParentHash, header.Number.Uint64()-1) if parent == nil { return consensus.ErrUnknownAncestor } header.Difficulty = ethash.CalcDifficulty(chain, header.Time.Uint64(), parent) return nil }
func (ethash *Ethash) CalcDifficulty(chain consensus.ChainReader, time uint64, parent *types.Header) *big.Int { return CalcDifficulty(chain.Config(), time, parent) } func CalcDifficulty(config *params.ChainConfig, time uint64, parent *types.Header) *big.Int { next := new(big.Int).Add(parent.Number, big1) switch { case config.IsByzantium(next): return calcDifficultyByzantium(time, parent) case config.IsHomestead(next): return calcDifficultyHomestead(time, parent) default: return calcDifficultyFrontier(time, parent) } }
diff = (parent_diff +
(parent_diff / 2048 * max((2 if len(parent.uncles) else 1) - ((timestamp - parent.timestamp) // 9), -99))
) + 2^(periodCount - 2)
// calculate a fake block number for the ice-age delay: // https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/pull/669 // fake_block_number = min(0, block.number - 3_000_000 fakeBlockNumber := new(big.Int) if parent.Number.Cmp(big2999999) >= 0 { fakeBlockNumber = fakeBlockNumber.Sub(parent.Number, big2999999) // Note, parent is 1 less than the actual block number }
3.7 Ethash.Finalize()
func (ethash *Ethash) Finalize(chain consensus.ChainReader, header *types.Header, state *state.StateDB, txs []*types.Transaction, uncles []*types.Header, receipts []*types.Receipt) (*types.Block, error) { // Accumulate any block and uncle rewards and commit the final state root accumulateRewards(chain.Config(), state, header, uncles) header.Root = state.IntermediateRoot(chain.Config().IsEIP158(header.Number)) // Header seems complete, assemble into a block and return return types.NewBlock(header, txs, uncles, receipts), nil }
这个其实之前分析挖矿流程的时候已经分析过了,先计算收益,然后生成MPT的Merkle Root,最后创建新区块。
3.8 Ethash.Seal()
abort := make(chan struct{}) found := make(chan *types.Block)
ethash.lock.Lock() threads := ethash.threads if ethash.rand == nil { seed, err := crand.Int(crand.Reader, big.NewInt(math.MaxInt64)) if err != nil { ethash.lock.Unlock() return nil, err } ethash.rand = rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed.Int64())) } ethash.lock.Unlock() if threads == 0 { threads = runtime.NumCPU() }
var pend sync.WaitGroup for i := 0; i < threads; i++ { pend.Add(1) go func(id int, nonce uint64) { defer pend.Done() ethash.mine(block, id, nonce, abort, found) }(i, uint64(ethash.rand.Int63())) }
// Wait until sealing is terminated or a nonce is found var result *types.Block select { case <-stop: // Outside abort, stop all miner threads close(abort) case result = <-found: // One of the threads found a block, abort all others close(abort) case <-ethash.update: // Thread count was changed on user request, restart close(abort) pend.Wait() return ethash.Seal(chain, block, stop) } // Wait for all miners to terminate and return the block pend.Wait() return result, nil
var ( header = block.Header() hash = header.HashNoNonce().Bytes() target = new(big.Int).Div(maxUint256, header.Difficulty) number = header.Number.Uint64() dataset = ethash.dataset(number) ) // Start generating random nonces until we abort or find a good one var ( attempts = int64(0) nonce = seed )
digest, result := hashimotoFull(dataset.dataset, hash, nonce) if new(big.Int).SetBytes(result).Cmp(target) <= 0 { // Correct nonce found, create a new header with it header = types.CopyHeader(header) header.Nonce = types.EncodeNonce(nonce) header.MixDigest = common.BytesToHash(digest) // Seal and return a block (if still needed) select { case found <- block.WithSeal(header): logger.Trace("Ethash nonce found and reported", "attempts", nonce-seed, "nonce", nonce) case <-abort: logger.Trace("Ethash nonce found but discarded", "attempts", nonce-seed, "nonce", nonce) } break search } nonce++
func (b *Block) WithSeal(header *Header) *Block { cpy := *header return &Block{ header: &cpy, transactions: b.transactions, uncles: b.uncles, } }
stateOject中有两个Storage类型的变量,是用来缓存智能合约中所有变量的值的。这个Storage类型的定义如下:type Storage map[common.Hash]c ...